Thursday, December 22, 2011

Running Diary 22/12/2011

Hazy day by the bay today.

Actually, 'running' diary is stretching things a bit today! It has been very warm today, and I went out to run earlier than I should have, at about 5.00pm not waiting for the day to cool down. This proved to be a mistake. I was planning on running 10km today, but struggled to loosen up in the first kilometre. After 5km I decided to have a break. I was very hot, and puffing badly so I walked for maybe 200-300 metres, before trying to run again. This time I managed a bit under 3km before my legs told me that was enough for the day. It left me with about a kilometre to walk home. This is a bit longer than I usually leave myself, but I feel pretty good now, so it wasn't a bad thing.

I know the dangers of hot weather running, but didn't fully prepare for this run and chose a bad time to go out. Even now, the temperature is about 27C outside so it hasn't cooled down much from the top temp of 27.6C. All this can be checked out on the excellent weather site, BOM. But really, you only need to look outside, and step out the door to know if it's going to be painful training.

You don't need the weatherman to tell you it's hot!

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