Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Running Diary 15/12/2011

I woke up this morning and got myself ready for an early run. Actually, I forced myself out this morning, as last night I had got home later than expected and felt exhausted, so I opted out of the scheduled run. It has been a beautiful morning, so it really wasn't difficult to get myself going.

A run of 2 halves

The first part of the run went at a decent pace. I ran a steady 3km to the bay, stopped to take a photo and then started back again. But at one of the main roads I have to cross, I was waiting for the lights to change and a woman on a bike rode into the back of a stationary car. There was quite a bit of blood, and the woman was pretty badly shaken (didn't seem to have any broken bones), so I waited with here, as did a few other people until an ambulance came. They made sure her her head and neck were secure before taking her off to hospital, and I gave a statement to the police, though to be honest I didn't really see that much.

After this, I still had about 2.5km to run home, but my heart wasn't really in it. I lost focus and basically jogged back. It was still an ok workout. I hope the woman is ok, and just remind all my cyclist friends to be careful when they're on the roads. This woman was wearing a helmet and there was still quite a bit of blood around her head.

Glorious Port Phillip Bay on a sunny, blue morning.

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